Model Driven Architecture - Foundations and Applications - First European Conference, ECMDA-FA 2005, Nuremberg, Germany, Novembe
The EuropeanConference on Model Driven Architecture - Foundations and - plications (ECMDA-FA) is a new conference dedicated to the study and - dustrial adoption of the model-driven approach to software engineering. It has grownoutofanumberofworkshopsandsmallerconferencesintheareaofmodel TM driven development and model driven architecture (MDA ). The conference is dedicated to providinga forum for cross fertilizationbetween the Europeanso- ware industry and the academic community. We aim to present the industrial experience and highlight the pain points of industry in order to promote - cused academic research that will bring real value to society. At the same time, we hope to challenge industry leaders to conduct a realistic appraisal of the emerging technologies presented by academics, consultants, and tool vendors, and eventually to adopt the model driven approach. The conference provides both a forum for the papers judged as being of the highest quality and a venue for workshops, tutorials and tool exhibitions on model driven software engineering. This year, we are host to ?ve workshops and four tutorials in subject matter ranging from the highly theoretical to the pr- tical industrial aspects of MDA and a tool exhibition featuring nine commercial and sevenopensourceor academictools.
This volumecontainsnine papersfrom theapplicationstrackand?fteenfromthefoundationstrack,chosenfrom82s- mitted papers. These works provide the latest and most relevant information on model driven software engineering in the industrial and academic spheres.