Victors & Victims unveils the truth that people who find success and joy in life are those who
know who they are and give it, versus those who know what they want and take it.
Success in life comes in many different forms. Profitable careers and businesses come to mind,
but what about happy marriages, well-raised kids, loyal friendships? Success, no matter what
its form, has the same foundations. Mastering them means mastering life. We all have different
core passions. Some cry for freedom, some for security; some dwell on the past and some on
the future. Our core passions dictate how we communicate and what messages and beliefs
we listen to and follow. When you understand your own core passions as well as those of the
people around you, you can communicate successfully and form powerful relationships filled
with joy and promise. And how you understand yourself, God, and your passions will determine
whether you live your life as a victim (always wanting and taking more), or a victor (joyously
giving more, thus receiving more).
In this book, Ken Harrison draws from his powerful experiences fighting violent criminals as
a police officer in Los Angeles, running and selling international companies, and his 24-year
marriage to his high school sweetheart in order to give the keys to turning ambition into success.