Your Healthiest Healthyf - 8 Easy Ways to Take Control, Fight Cancer, and Live a Longer, Cleaner Happier Life
"This book will change your life!" -Kris Jenner
"What a great read! . . . This is such an incredible resource for all-around healthy living." -Brooke Burke
From celebrity TV host and cancer survivor Samantha Harris comes a comprehensive action plan for helping to prevent and fight cancer and living your best, healthiest life.
Millions watched Samantha Harris share the story of her breast cancer diagnosis and double mastectomy at age 40. Now she offers an easy, eight-step plan for overcoming adversity, helping to fight cancer, and living a healthier, happier life. Your Healthiest Healthy combines her inspiring journey with research-backed advice, recipe and menu guides, workout charts, milestone logs, relationship activities, cheat sheets, checklists, and other must-have tools and resources.