Usability is the key to successful use of EHRs resulting in safe, easy to use and useful applications. Good usability saves money by reducing the time and resources needed for training and post-implementation support, lessens the negative impact on productivity and diminishes technology-induced errors. It also promotes user satisfaction and adoption.
There have been numerous outcries from improved EHR usability. These arise at granular level by physicians, nurses and other clinicians in hospitals, clinics and other healthcare settings. They also are more formally voiced by organizations such as the American Medical Association (AMA), American College of Physician (ACP) and the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA). Even the Office of the National Coordinator has openly cited EHR usability as a priority.
This book is all about usability in EHRs. The content covers everything from measurement to improvement. It is not just for vendors and software programmers but for organizations that purchase EHRs and customize them thereby impacting the usability of the application. The book is for everyone who wants to participate in the improvement of EHRs.