Once upon a story...So many tales and treasures come from fairy-tale worlds and the strange and wonderful creatures we meet there. Dragons and trolls, heroes and princesses, goblins and witches and many more characters to fill our stories with fun and adventure. Once upon a story...uses the fairy-tale theme to bring creative writing and literacy alive for children. Familiar characters and situations help children think of their own unique stories, turning well-known ideas into new and vibrant life. Fairy-tales are played with in Once upon a story...The princesses are not helpless, the dragons are not all hungry, sheep-eating villains, the witches might not turn people into toads and the trolls under bridges...well, I can't make any promises there. Once upon a story...is part of the Creative Writing for Kids series and follows on from Winter Tales. All the Creative Writing for Kids books can be used separately and they each have their own personality and different kinds of exercises.