Harri Wessman (b. 1949) is interested in all aspects of music that may be expressive, without in any way ignoring the possibilities of melody. He himself describes his harmonic method as a kind of contrapuntally treated jazz harmony. During recent years pedagogic music has become a more and more central area in his output with an emphasis on creating repertoire for budding musicians, from beginners to young professionals. I don't write children's music. Stylistically I write in the same way as for professionals; technically, the pieces just have to be easier to play. Concertino No. 2 for piano and chamber orchestra was commissioned by a Finnish press house Yhtyneet Kuvalehdet Oy for the inauguration of their new office building in 1987. According to the original plan the concertino was to be used in an advertising film of the company. A melody with wide arch which can be heard in the midpoint of the piece, first played by the orchestra and then repeated with the piano, was intended to be the theme song of the film. The 10 minutes duration and small orchestra (flute, oboe, clarinet and strings) makes this one movement piece suitable also for young orchestra players.
Harri Wessmanin Concertino nro 2 pianolle ja kamariorkesterille syntyi Yhtyneet Kuvalehdet Oy:n tilauksesta juhlistamaan uuden toimitalon vihkiäisiä syksyllä 1987. Tilaajan suunnitelma oli käyttää musiikkia talon rakentamisprosessia kuvaavassa filmissä, ja siihen tuli sisällyttää tunnusmusiikinomainen melodia. Kuulija tunnistanee sen kohdan, minkä piti olla tunnari: noin puolenvälin jälkeen, kun musiikkia on jatkunut viitisen minuuttia, rytminen liike vilkastuu ja vakiintuu ja orkesteri laulaa laajakaarisen melodian, jonka piano pian toistaa. Teoksen kesto on 10 minuuttia ja kokoonpanossa soittavat huilu, oboe, klarinetti ja jouset.