Before Douce manuscript 116 landed in Oxford's Bodleian Library, this compilation of magical operations passed through the hands of four occult philosophers who recorded charms, seals, talismans, and magical lore over the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries. Through expert annotations and translations of the original English, Latin, and Welsh content, Daniel Harms has made this untitled volume accessible to all collectors with this new hardcover book. The Book of Four Occult Philosophers reveals the secrets Robert Cross Smith (Raphael), Olivia Serres (Princess Olive), Thomas Harrington, and an unknown individual credited as 'W.' recorded over three centuries. This compendium of ceremonial magic contains historical spells, recipes, and rituals alongside passages about fairies, astrology, numerology, demon conjuring, and more. With red and black text and hundreds of illustrations by S. Aldarnay, this magical miscellany is the perfect addition to any collection of treasured occult works.