Completely updated and revisedEvery chapter in the new 10th Edition has been thoroughly revised to reflect the most current research. Approximately one third have been written or revised by new authors and most are reviewed by a clinician and a pharmacist to ensure the highest level of clinical relevance and accuracy. In addition, you'll find:A new introduction by Nobel Prize Laureate, Alfred Goodman Gilman, which provides a fascinating overview of the book and its history plus an insightful look at the future of pharmacologyInformation on more than 150 new drugs released since the last editionMore coverage of antiviral drugsA new chapter on anti-HIV drugsAn updated compilation of the pharmacokinetic features of major drugsThe current status and potential therapeutic value of gene based therapiesCarefully selected and updated bibliographies for each chapterHigh quality two-colour art in every chapterValuable chapter synopses to introduce each chapter, guide you on key points and point out links with other relevant chapters.