Why are boys so under-represented in churches? Why do churches find it so difficult to cater for boys? What would help boys in church grow into mature men of faith? This uniquely inspiring book by Nick Harding spells out the problem and encourages churches to see this in missional terms. the book includes resources, suggestions and ideas to help boys connect better with the church, with the Bible, and with the Christian faith. 'Nick Harding’s wisdom sheds light on the vexed question of ‘What about the boys?’ without creating an artificial boy/girl divide. His practical advice and down-to-earth approach make this a book in which any one involved with children’ s ministry will find encouragement, help and hope.' Mary Hawes, National Children & Youth Adviser, C of E Education Office 'A great resource, this book should be read not just by children’s ministry leaders but all clergy and church leaders.' Dr Peter Hamill, Secretary to the Church of Ireland Board of Education NI