This book is gift-wrapped as a present. God's Gifted People is a present to yourself or to someone you love because it helps you discover the gift that you are as a person the gift that others are the way our personality gifts can be used to make Life more enjoyable, Love more exciting, Relationship more fulfilling, Work more satisfying, Spirituality more alive. God's Gifted People is an application of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). According to Consulting Psychologist Press, the Myers-Briggs has become "the most widely used measure of personality dispositions and preferences." The MBTI is used in industry, education, counseling, and over health services, and -- increasingly -- in religious life. In a practical and easy-to-read way, Dr. Gary Harbaugh combines the psychological perspective of the Myers-Briggs with a biblical understanding of gifts -- particularly the often overlooked gift of one's own unique personality.