Many events led to the discovery, colonization, and formation of this new country called the United States. Columbus declared that the Holy Ghost inspired him to make that incredible voyage in 1492. In America, those that came were Pilgrims, puritans other religious groups, families, individuals, and freedom seekers. Men and women like Roger Williams, John Wesley, Anne Hutchinson, Ann Lee and William Penn helped create a land that had been reserved for the great purpose of religious freedom. In 1820 Joseph Smith experienced the First Vision which would change the religious climate forever. In 1830 the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was organized and has now expanded to most of the world. This story is about one man, John Pilgrim, who started on a journey to find the true meaning and purpose of life. On his journey he meets a Guide who helps him at various times to discover the meaning of his experience and understanding of the different characters and situations he encounters.