Fundamental Problems of Early Slavic Music and Poetry - Studies on the Fragmenta Chiliandarica Palaeoslavica. II
The volume contains the following: Aux origines de la version slave de l'hirmologion (by Christian Hannick); Fragments du Sticerarion de Chilandar á Prague (by Frantiek Václav Mare); Index alphabétique des hymnes du Sticherarium Chiliandaricum (by Arne Bugge); The Belgrade Leaf from the Hilandar Musical Fragments (by Djordje Spiridon Radojičić); Grigorovič Hirmologion: Index and concordances (by Milo M. Velimirović); The Earliest Slavic Melismatic Chants (by Kenneth Levy); The Evidence for Metrical Adaptation in Early Slavic translated Hymns (by Antonia F. Gove); Indices of manuscripts, hymns, and names.