In international research, metafictionality and other metaliterary features have typically been regarded as phenomena related to postmodernist fiction, in particular Metaliterary Layers in Finnish Literature, however, discusses the metalayers of Finnish literature from the early 20th century to the present. By analyzing different genres of Finnish literature in varying historical contexts Metaliterary Layers in Finnish Literature provides an abundance of new information on Finnish literature and its metaliterary phenomena for everyone interested. In the articles of this book, the metalayers of literature are discussed in experimental prose and poetry as well as in popular fiction and childrens literature.
Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden metakirjallisia tasoja käsittelevään teokseen sisältyy sekä teoreettisia ja kirjallisuushistoriallisia kehityslinjoja kartoittavia katsauksia että yksittäisiin teoksiin kohdistuvia analyyseja 1900-luvun alkukymmeniltä nykypäiviin. Antologian artikkelit käsittelevät monipuolisesti eri kirjallisuuden lajeja: kirjallisuuden metatasoja tutkitaan niin kokeellisessa proosassa kuin lyriikassa, viihdekirjallisuudessa ja lastenkirjallisuudessa.
In international research, metafictionality and
other metaliterary features have typically been
regarded as phenomena related to postmodernist
fiction, in particular Metaliterary Layers in Finnish Literature, however, discusses the metalayers of Finnish literature from the early 20th century to the present.
By analyzing different genres of Finnish literature in varying historical contexts
Metaliterary Layers in Finnish Literature
provides an abundance of new information on
Finnish literature and its metaliterary phenomena
for everyone interested. In the articles of this
book, the metalayers of literature are discussed
in experimental prose and poetry as well as in
popular fiction and childrens literature.