On the occasion of the retirement of Prof. Georges De Schrijver, his former students organised a special symposium in close collaboration with the Centre for Liberation Theologies of the Faculty of Theology, K.U.Leuven, and some of its friends and supporters. Fifteen years earlier, in 1987, the intellectual friendships between Fr. Georges and his students, based on their common concerns for a theology at the service of those who suffer, gave birth to the Centre for Liberation Theologies. Over the years a common project inspired theological investigation out of many different contexts, requiring a close look at the mediations or processes of translation that would allow those contexts to fruitfully interact with theology. This book contains a fundamental reflection on the practice of mediations in theology and provides concrete examples out of a variety of contexts. It responds to the need for developing a new style of theology in which a common concern is expressed in a rich diversity of perspectives. The idea of mediation provides one of the insights that allow to think the tension between unity and plurality.