Carlo G. Cereti et Zohre Bassiri, «On a Few Sasanian Bullae from the
Collections of the National Museum of Iran»; Rika Gyselen,
«Sasanidische Siegelsteine de P. Horn et G. Steindorf revisité»;
Ursula Weber, «The Inscription of Abnun and its Dating to the Early Days
of Shabuhr I».
L'archive du Tabarestan (VIIIe siècle)
Dieter Weber, «Court Records of Lawsuits in Tabarestan in the
Year 86/7 PYE (737 CE): A Philological Examination»; Maria Macuch, «The
Legal Context of the Tabarestan Court Records (Tab. 1-8, 10)»; Philippe
Gignoux, «Une archive post-sassanide du Tabarestan (III)»; Dieter Weber,
«Two Documents from Tabarestan Reconsidered (Tab. 12 and 26)».