Introduction - Martin Gustafsson
Self-Awareness and Cognitive Agency in Descartes's Meditations - Lilli Alanen
Why an Aristotelian Account of Truth Is (More or Less) All We Need - Jeff Malpas
The Social Aspects of Aristotle's Theory of Action - Dorothea Frede
Voluntarism, Intellectualism, and Anselm on Motivation - Tomas Ekenberg
Why Kant is not a Kantian - James Conant
"A Contrast between Two Pictures" The Case of Perception - Jennifer Hornsby
On What Is in Front of Your Nose - Anton Ford
Expression and Self-Consciousness - Stina Backstroem
Bodily Movement and Its Significance - Will Small
Anscombe's Bird, Wittgenstein's Cat: Intention, Expression, and Convention - Martin Gustafsson
Film Noir and Weakly Intentional Actions: An Anscombian Analysis - Elinor Hallen
Theory, Interpretation, and Law: Some Worries about Dworkin's Account of Their Relation - Lisa Van Alstyne
Stoutland vs. Metaphysics - Lars Hertzberg