Management of Labour & Puerperium is a combination of practical and theoretical knowledge from experts across the fields of obstetrics and gynaecology.
The book is divided into two sections, the first covering labour, and the second covering puerpium. The first section covers not only the physiological aspects of labour and delivery, but also all the current evidence regarding management of complications during this critical period. Similarly, the second section covers normal puerperium and also the common problems occurring during this phase.
Twenty-seven chapters comprehensively cover the various policies and programs which promote safe motherhood, and the standards for making healthcare facilities mother and new-born friendly. Chapters dedicated to new-born care and postpartum contraception have also been included, enhancing the scope of this text. Management of Labour & Puerperium is an essential reference work for both students and obstetricians.
Key Points
Clear and comprehensive text on labour and puerperium
Essential reference for both students and practising obstetricians
328 illustrations, images and tables to enhance understanding