Timothy Top is a grade school kid going through a hardtime. His parents are constantly quarreling, and he's feeling like an outsideramong his classmates. His fascination with nature and superheroes makes for anunusual combination that few of his peers can relate to. But when a crookedbusinessman moves into the neighborhood with plans to “reinvent the localpark” into a concrete monstrosity devoid of nature and life, Timothy setsout on a mission to save a famous tree from the bulldozers. Being just a kid, hedoesn't know how he'll be able to go about this, until one night he discoversthat he's been given the power of a magical green thumb that can heal and growplant life! He's a superhero! But will he be able to use this power to save thepark or the relationship between his parents?
Asimple tale but with many layers, this first volume supports respect for theenvironment, as well as dealing with bullies, quarreling parents, and schoolexpectations. Future volumes tiptoe into other topics such as discrimination,forgiveness, and commitment.