Enriching Awareness and Practice in the Pastoral and Reflective Supervision of Clergy increases and enriches the awareness, knowledge, and skills of pastoral and reflective supervisors who work with clergy in a pastoral/reflective supervision context. The content is also applicable to supervisors within a Clinical Ministerial Education context, and to all clergy who want to develop their awareness of, and skills in, interpersonal dynamics. This book explores themes such as theological reflection in pastoral/reflective supervision, the place of prayer in pastoral/reflective supervision, working with stuckness in pastoral/reflective supervision, understanding trauma in pastoral/reflective supervision, working with shame in pastoral/reflective supervision, developing an awareness of culture and diversity in pastoral/reflective supervision, the importance of self-care in pastoral/reflective supervision, and understanding context in pastoral/reflective supervision.
Contributions by: Sally-Anne Bubbers, Deanne Gardner, Peter Madsen Gubi, Bill Mullally, Tuntufye Anangisye Mwenisongole, Sally Nash, Mish Seabrook