Apex City is a globally-recognised hub of progress and beacon of hope -until it's ripped out of our universe by an ancient cult and its army of demons.The only one who can save it is its newest resident, teen Cássia Costa,after a magical dragon bracelet rockets into her life - but the bracelet ispowered by belief, and a life of hardship has left Cássia with little ofthat to spare.
Inferno Girl Red is a series in theMassive-Verse.
Kyle Higgins & MarceloCosta's breakout hit Radiant Black took superhero storytelling to newheights. But Radiant Black isn't the only character inhabiting theMASSIVE-VERSE. There's a whole universe for readers to explore! Characters likeRogue Sun, Inferno Girl Red, The Dead Lucky and more yet to be revealed each ofthem has a different story to tell, different adversaries to face and they eachoccupy a very different corner of this shared universe. What are you waitingfor? Now's the time to get into the MASSIVE-VERSE!
Visual artist(s): Erica D'Urso, Igor Monti