An annual publication of the Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD), To Improve the Academy offers a resource for improvement in higher education to faculty and instructional development staff, department chairs, faculty, deans, student services staff, chief academic officers, and educational consultants. Contents include: evidence-based changes in faculty and organizational development; creative collaboration between faculty and technologists; integrating research on teaching and learning and the practice of teaching; formal and informal support for pretenure faculty; strategies to support senior faculty; faculty development and productivity; using e-portfolios in hybrid professional development; developing a faculty learning community grounded in the science of how people learn.
Assessing the long-term impact of a professional development program; an analysis of faculty development scholarship; program planning, prioritizing, and improvement; a consultations tracking database system for improving faculty development consultation services; graduate assistant development; using undergraduates to prepare international teaching assistants for the American classroom; tracking perceptions of preparation for future faculty competencies; student consultants of color and faculty members working together toward culturally sustaining pedagogy; measuring student learning to document faculty teaching effectiveness; learning with mobile apps; slow pedagogy, curriculum, assessment, and professional development; principles of video games that can enhance teaching; and the Reacting to the Past pedagogy and engaging the first-year student.
Editorial board member: Laura Cruz