Whether you set up your own company, join a board from outside or reach director level via an internal promotion you will need to be aware of the legal implications that attach to your role as a company director. These are known as directors' duties, some of which are codified in the Companies Act 2006. However, these codified duties are merely the tip of the legal iceberg of which directors have to be aware. There are numerous other duties ranging from maintaining proper accounts, making returns to the Registrar of Companies, and not trading the company after the point where an insolvent liquidation beckons. The book distils the rules into layman's language by looking at the role of the company director using a question and answer format such as: "I've just been appointed as a director, what legal formalities do I need to comply with?" or "I want to borrow GBP20,000 from my company to buy myself a new car. Can I do this and, if so, how?" Or "I want to defer my dividend, how do I do this?"