Incredible Bakes - *that just happen to be refined-sugar free!
This is a sweet baking book with a difference - all the recipes are free from refined sugars. Not that you'd notice it, of course - all the recipes are triple-tested and completely delicious. Rather than use refined sugar - which has been shown to adversely affect health - author Caroline Griffiths has added sweetness using natural fruits and, occasionally, other non-fructose sweeteners, including rice malt syrup. Recipes include baking classics, such as shortbreads, cheesecakes, cookies and cupcakes, as well as more contemporary bakes, including macarons, cruffins and donuts. With a section on over-the-top celebration cakes as well, Incredible Bakes will have you covered.
For those looking to reduce their sugar intake, now you can have your cake and eat it too!