“This is a great addition to STEM collections, maker spaces, andelementary- through middle-school graphic-novel collections.” -Booklist
"Fine, fabulous stuff" - School LibraryJournal
Lurking in the corners of your garage, on the dusty shelvesof hardware stores, and in your own trashcan are the tools and ingredients forcreating your own adventures. Follow Celine and Tucker as they learn throughplay with over 50 DIY projects! Challenged to make something "other thantrouble," this brother-and-sister pair use everyday objects to invent toys thatreaders can build. Combining comics and real-life science and engineeringprinciples, Howtoons are designed to encourage kids to become activeparticipants in the world around them.
"...perfectly tuned to inspirecreativity as well as promote good work habits in budding inventors andmechanical engineers alike." - Kirkus Review
"Geeks aren't born,they're made... and here's the instruction manual." - WiredMagazine
Visual artist(s): Nick Dragotta