This book develops concepts from The Design Code (R), an idea-generating system developed by Northwest artist and educator, Fred Griffin. It is a remedy for the artist's equivalent of writer's block, because this system makes it possible to turn out fresh ideas and great designs on deadline. Tossing Around Ideas is the second book in the series. It explores examples from the first book, this time using an ocean theme. This volume introduces basic information on colour theory. And the use of the ocean theme gives the reader an opportunity to compare concepts that were illustrated in the first book using an apple. The Design Code (R) is a three-book series that provides an in-depth course in art composition and idea-generation. It is for two types of readers: those with an understanding of design and experience in the field -- and those with interest and entry level skills who have never studied design. For experienced artists and designers, this book is a tool to lift oneself out of a creative dry spell. For those who are new to thinking to design, it also serves as a primer in the basics of composition. For either type of reader, these are books that you can return to again and again for inspiration and practical guidance.