The only combined organic photochemistry and photobiology handbook
As spectroscopic, synthetic and biological tools become more and more sophisticated, photochemistry and photobiology are merging-making interdisciplinary research essential. Following in the footsteps of its bestselling predecessors, the CRC Handbook of Organic Photochemistry and Photobiology, Third Edition has evolved into a state-of-the-art collection on modern aspects of photochemistry and photobiology.
A compilation 67 of topical reviews by leading experts, this compilation provides cutting-edge information on the applications of photochemical and photobiological principles, techniques, and methodologies.
New and updated topics in this edition include
Industrial photochemistry
Photocatalyic water splitting
Photostability of drugs
Photochemistry in microreactors
Photochemical key-steps in organic synthesis
Photolabile protecting groups
Solar photochemistry
Computational photochemistry and photobiology
Spin-center shift reactions
Sustainable photochemistry
Artificial photosynthetic systems
Biology of UV-A radiation
UV radiation and vitamin D
Photodynamic drug delivery
Endogenous antioxidant photoprotection and its enhancement in human skin
Phototoxicity of drugs
Photodynamic approaches to water disinfection
This high-quality and concise collection bridges traditional topics, current trends, and future directions to provide you with the most authoritative and complete resource available on the subject. The IUPAC glossary of photochemistry is included as a CD-ROM.