This book was conceived as a way to disseminate information about successful NSF-sponsored Chemistry Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Sites. Eleven chapters describe specific REU sites and one chapter describes the Chemistry REU Leadership Group. The authors have shared the expertise they acquired from a broad range of approaches, multi-disciplinary collaborations, and multi-institutional collaborations. Each author contributes distinctive and partially
overlapping perspectives into the complex factors that result in running a successful summer research program. Half of the authors participated in a symposium titled "Best Practices for Chemistry REU Programs" at the spring 2017 national meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS). Each described
their program's distinctive features in the context of their overall summer experience, such as the integration of deaf and hearing impaired, coordination of an international program, and multi-institutional programs. The other half of the authors participated in one of the symposia hosted by the Chemistry REU Leadership Group at spring ACS national meetings between 2013 and 2016. Each of these symposia focused on a different aspect of successful REU programs. These authors describe excellent
models for professional development and mentor training workshops among many others. This book hopes to provide undergraduate research advisors at universities across the nation with information they need to design more thoughtful and beneficial college undergraduate research programs for their
majors, and to provide investigators with useful information to write more effective proposals that will fund more summer research programs.