This book informs, guides and supports parents by giving them more insight into their child's early development. Through knowledge and understanding parents can guide their children, helping them to become balanced adults and confident members of society. The first three years of a child's life are the most significant, as they are fundamental to all further development. This book focuses on the development during those early years. Each aspect is explained as practically and simply as possible, with games in which you can engage with and stimulate your child. All the development stages are dealt with without associated ages which create expectations and may lead to needless anxiety. It is more important to get to know, enjoy and spend time with your child than to pressurise him to master certain tasks at certain ages. Likewise, the games are not age-related: the degree of difficulty is adapted by the parent to match the child's abilities rather than his age.
The book covers the following: a stimulating environment; brain, sensory and motor development; body image and self-image; the development of play; the learning process according to your child's potential; emotions; speech and language development; perceptual and cognitive development; and, discipline and problem-solving.