One hundred years since the outbreak of the First World War, Wioletta Greg traces the seams of a family history through a hundred years of life, death, love and tragedy with passion and humour. From the lives of her grandparents in early twentieth-century Poland, through two world wars, life under Communism and the subsequent liberation, to her own experiences as a migrant living on a small island off the coast of Britain, this collection serves as both a fitting personal testament to a family that survived, and as a compelling document of a century of European history. Wioletta Greg has published several volumes of poetry, a collection of short prose poems and, most recently, a debut novel, Guguly (Wydawnictwo Czarne, 2014), which has already been hailed as the 'discovery of the year' by critics and readers alike. Marek Kazmierski's attentive and nuanced translation of this, her first book-length publication in the UK, gives readers of English a chance to experience this powerful work for the first time.