This textbook provides a concise and thorough introduction to clinical appraisal pharmacology from which students can gain a rapid understanding of individual topics within the discipline, and from which they can review and revise certain topics before exams. This is achieved through self-contained topics, with concise text on the left and a diagram on the right to elaborate and reinforce the text.
This new textbook has a strong clinical focus and relates to particular body systems or the therapy of a disease class. 128 topics are covered including:
- Alzheimer's disease,
- Treatment of adrenal disorders
- Drug addiction
- Insomnia
- Bowel disorders
- Gastrointestinal infections
- Osteoporosis
- Diabetes
- Antipsychotic drugs
- Genitourinary systems
Pharmacological principles and mechanisms are covered, but the main focus is on the therapeutic use of the drugs. Sections will cover basic principles of pharmacology, specialized pharmacology, complementary pharmacology, and the vitamins. The text will be written primarily for pharmacy students, but will also be of interest to clinical medical students. The strong clinical focus should also appeal to practitioners.
Klinische Pharmakologie kurz und prägnant
Ein komprimierter aber dennoch gründlicher Überblick über sämtliche Aspekte der klinischen Pharmakologie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Therapeutika. Die einzelnen Abschnitte haben einen starken klinischen Fokus und sind nach Körpersystemen oder Therapieformen (z. B. Krebstherapie) unterteilt.
Angesprochen werden pharmakologische Prinzipien und Wirkmechanismen, Sondergebiete der Pharmakologie (z. B. Schwangerschaft, Pädiatrie, Geriatrie) sowie die komplementäre Pharmakologie (Phytopharmakologie).