Barron’s GRE Flashcards test your math and verbal skills with 500 cards that will help you review and focus on areas that require additional study.
The set includes:
250 verbal cards, which include definitions and sentence-completion practice
250 math cards, which include 75 math facts, 25 math strategies, 65 multiple-choice questions, 65 quantitative-comparison questions, 10 multiple-answer questions, and 10 numeric-entry questions
New verbal advice: This edition includes strategic advice for the verbal section on how to attack sentence equivalence questions and text completion questions.
New math review: Math concept review for bar graphs, permutation and factorials, combinations, normal distribution, and standard deviation.
Cards have a corner punch hole to accommodate a metal sorting ring, which you can use to arrange the cards in any sequence that suits your study needs.
Looking for even more review, plus full-length practice tests? Check out Barron’s GRE with Online Tests, 22nd edition.