The Green Sea of Heaven - Fifty Ghazals from the Diwan of Hafiz
This is a groundbreaking work of translation of one of the greatest poets of world literature. Hafiz (fourteenth century) was the unrivalled master of the Persian ghazal, a lyric form roughly equivalent to the English sonnet in length, intensity, and complexity. These fifty ghazals from his "Diwan" (collected works) display Hafiz' poetic genius, expressing his passion for the Divine Beloved and his scandalous (to the Muslim Clergy of the day) exaltation of music and wine as vehicles of transcendence and religious ecstasy. This bilingual edition presents the ghazals of Hafiz in language that captures the intensity and complexity of the poet hailed by Persian as 'the tongue of the Invisible' and the 'interpreter of mysteries'.
Introduction by: Daryush Shayegan