A Catholic Handbook on Sex - Essentials for the 21st Century; Explanations, Definitions, Prompts, Prayers, and Examples
Children of the Light know that human sexuality is not just about the pleasures of the flesh, but about the witness of holy lives. And holy lives need be neither dull nor lacking in pleasure. So we ask not, “What and how much can I get away with and still hope to see the face of God?” but, “How can I feel confident that my deeds and my attitudes are in keeping with human dignity so that I can act and walk confidently as a son or daughter of the Most High God?”
What does the Church teach? If I do not immediately understand the wisdom of a position or teaching, shall I presume that the Church is wrong and should change to share my opinion? What if I find some teachings difficult—either to understand or to put into practice? These are the questions that launch Fr. Graham’s investigations into this topic.
Those who seek only a good time will find this book out of step with that desire. Those who seek to participate as fully as possible in what it means to be both fully human and fully alive will be both cheered and challenged here.