Moving beyond assessment: A practical guide for beginning helping professionals, 2nd ed. is designed to help new clinicians, from social work, psychology, counseling, nursing, and other related disciplines navigate the early stages of working with clients in a variety of settings. In a user-friendly tone, the text addresses issues such as how to start working with clients in a helping role, how to develop a practice that is informed by ethical principles and a social justice framework, the importance of self-care and supervision, and many other essential topics for new practitioners. The authors are experienced clinicians, educators, and supervisors who have trained hundreds of graduate students to learn how to assess, intervene, and evaluate their work with clients. Within the text are numerous examples of working directly with clients in diverse contexts and settings from their own personal and professional experiences to demonstrate how the content from the text can be applied to a multitude of practice settings. Beginning practitioners will find tips, tools, resources, and concrete examples they can use to enhance their work with clients, while simultaneously normalising their experiences and feelings as a new practitioner and developing skills to prevent burnout and build resilience in the field. Moving Beyond Assessment is an essential guide for anyone seeking to become a helping professional.