There seems to be a tendency to consider police crime as a result of bad practice, lack of resources or mismanagement, rather than acts of criminals. However, examples illustrate that criminal acts are intentionally carried out by police officers on duty. For example, unauthorised disclosure of confidential information occurred in two out of ten criminal police cases in Norwegian courts in 2007. Police crime does not only occur in countries such as Indonesia, Pakistan, Mexico and Nigeria. It is common in the UK, USA, Australia and Norway as well - although on a smaller scale. Police crime tends to be discovered when investigating police complaints. Police crime is defined as intentional crime committed by police officers on duty. Policing police crime is defined as enforcing law on potential and actual criminal employees in the police organisation. Earlier we would say who might watch the watchman, or who is guarding the guardian - now we say who is policing the police. What kind of knowledge management is needed for policing the police? What kind of investigation management is needed for policing the police? What kind of intelligence management is needed for policing the police? What kind of change management is needed to fight police crime? What kind of agency management is needed in policing-the-police organisations? These are questions addressed in this book on Policing the Police - Knowledge Management in Law Enforcement.