Academic language is key to students' academic success. It is also of increasing importance to educators of diverse students, as the Common Core State Standards have set a high bar of rigorous and challenging content.
This seven-book series offers a variety of classroom exemplars of teachers and students, including ELLs, using academic language within the context of the Common Core and English Development Standards. Each chapter provides a snapshot of a language-rich classroom and illustrates how teachers carefully craft content and language targets, design assessment, and scaffold instruction while honoring the languages and cultures of the students.
As a whole, the series offers guidance to educators in how to use academic language in planning and implementing integrated units of learning with their related lessons. The series consists of three volumes for English Language Arts and three volumes for Mathematics segmented according to grade band (K-2; 3-5; 6-8). A separate foundational text, Academic Language in Diverse Classrooms: Definitions and Contexts, complements the six volumes.