Together with the textbook, the Study Guide for Foundations and Adult Health Nursing, 6th Edition will help you gain a solid understanding of the key principles, concepts, and skills you need to succeed in your nursing education and career. New NCLEXO examination-style alternate-item format questions and critical thinking activities join labeling, completion, and short-answer activities all with textbook page references.
Learning activities help you meet content objectives, and include crossword puzzles, labeling, matching, completion, identification, NCLEX (R) exam-style multiple-choice review questions, and critical thinking questions.
Page references are included for all activities except for the critical thinking questions, to facilitate your review.
A complete answer key for the study guide is provided in the student resources on Evolve.
NEW! An increased emphasis on NCLEX (R) review prepares you more effectively for the NCLEX-PN (R) examination, with more NCLEX-style alternate-format type questions and more critical thinking activities.