In this era of high stakes testing, teachers across America are struggling with the demands of raising student achievement. Tutoring programs can become important learning strategies that will assist students in learning to solve problems, collaborate with others, and think creatively. All these are part of the creative thinking process important for students to master since a greater percentage of high school graduates enroll in some form of post-secondary education. This guide gives teachers specific instructional methods to help students raise their skills and critical thinking abilities. It provides step-by-step guidance on: Designing a tutoring program, Training tutors, Conducting meaningful assessment and evaluation. Peer Tutoring offers a wide variety of success stories drawn from published research that describes how ordinary teachers have successfully used peer and cross-age tutoring in a wide variety of elementary, high school, and college applications. Sample forms are also included that teachers can adapt for their needs. The Internet opens a whole new world of information, ideas, and experiences to students. What most teachers lack are successful ways of framing the art of teaching to take advantage of this new resource-rich environment. This book will help teachers co-construct knowledge with students to help classroom learning become more "student-centered".