Beyond Government examines how vigorous and truly pluralistic policy debate has evolved in both mature and emerging democracies and then suggests how it may be encouraged from within and sustained by outside assistance. The contributors argue that a strong democracy thrives on a rich population of organizations and individuals that respond to the issues of the moment, the concerns of groups within society that wish to be heard, and the styles of interaction that seem most appropriate at any given time. The volume has five parts. In the first, three U.S.-based authors present models of public debate from the American experience. In the second part, four authors—two from Latin America and two from Eastern Europe—chronicle and analyze the public debate that accompanied their countries' transitions to democracy. The third section includes chapters on specific areas of policy research, the fourth shifts attention to the institutions that foster debate, and the fifth assesses contributions to public debate from abroad by foundations and the corporate sector. A concluding section looks ahead to challenges and opportunities.