An up-to-date synthesis designed for tourists that focuses on different aspects of two protected areas in central western Madagascar.
This bilingual French-English tourist pocket guide covers two protected areas in central western Madagascar. These sites are excellent examples of the natural ecosystems of western inland areas of the island and include two national parks, the extensively visited Isalo (often referred to as the "Grand Canyon" of Madagascar), and the transitional dry deciduous forests of Zombitse-Vohibasia. Ecotourists can experience at both sites Malagasy forest ecosystems in all of their splendors. Both parks are near the national road that links Antananarivo (Tananarive) to the southwestern city of Toliara (Tulear). Tourists visiting the fascinating central-western portion of the island and interested in the natural world will find this guide indispensable to understanding and appreciating the regional ecological complexity and beauty.