The contributors to this book review the postindustrial subculture, emphasizing cross-disciplinary and cross-contextual inquiry, a central idiom of postindustrial organizational life. The essays consider alternative methods of understanding media that add variety to 'meanings' within and without organizations. This multi-method approach in the search for meaning and the limits of word and symbols to express meaning generates a personally interpretive basis to science.
Contributions by: Ian Atkin, Jim Barry, Elisabeth Pettersen, Michle A. Bowring, David Bubna-Litic, John Chandler, Sylvie Chevrier, Heather Clark, Martin Fuglsang, Christina Garsten, Wendy Guild, Janet L. Hamnett, Bruce Hanson, Julia Harrison, Lisa Howard, Sarah Williams Jacobson, B James, M.L James, Ulla Johansson, Ken Khoury, Gro Kvale, Monica Lee, Virpi Leikola, Mike Lowe, Iiris Aaltio-Marjosola, Laurie A. Meamber, Omid Nodoushani, Margaret E. Phillips, Dick Raspa, Patricia Riley, Anette Risberg, Kathryn S. Rogers, Sonja A. Sackmann, Burkard Sievers, Hugh Willmott, Elisabeth M. Wilson, Thomaz Wood Jr, Edward Wray-Bliss