Resources designed to support learners of the new next generation BTEC First in Applied Science: Principles of Applied Science specification*.
This Book supports the Level 2 BTEC First Award in Applied Science – Principles of Applied Science NQF specification for first teaching from September 2012 (subject to accreditation by Ofqual).
This book covers all four mandatory units so learners have relevant and specific content to complete the new 2012 award. It covers all the underpinning knowledge and understanding needed at Level 2 to help learners prepare for this course.
Combining the expertise of the BTEC team, the content looks at a learning, teaching and assessment point of view, with renewed focus on assessment activities including the new external assessment.
Activities in each unit provide support and guidance for learners and can be used in the classroom or for independent work.
The new BTEC Assessment Zone guides learners through the challenges of both internal (units 2-4) and external assessment (unit 1) with examiners tips and support for external assessment.
* From 2012, Pearson’s BTEC First qualifications have been under re-development, so schools and colleges could be teaching the existing 2010 specification or the new next generation 2012-2013 specification. There are different Student Books to support each specification. If learners are unsure, they should check with their teacher or tutor.