Terry Carr recounts the invention of an imaginary black science fiction fan named Carl Brandon, one of the field's most (in)famous hoaxes. In addition to Carl Brandon's complete history, this volume includes his J.D. Salinger parody, "The Cacher of the Rye;" a more current parody by Carl Brandon 2.0, "The Kvetcher on the Racists;" and an essay by Samuel R. Delany, "Racism and Science Fiction." To quote Carr: "In the late fifties, several of the fans of the Bay Area...presented fandom with a new fanwriter who was quickly acclaimed as one of the best writers around and who was, not incidentally, the first prominent fan who was black." Read the book for more of this fascinating tale. All proceeds go to the Carl Brandon Society, which promotes discussions on race at conventions and conferences, and through its support of the Parallax and Kindred literary awards, and the Octavia E. Butler Memorial Scholarship Fund.