Amor Psyche Action-Vienna
The Feminine in Viennese Actionism
Viennese Actionism focused attention on individual freedom and helped create greater tolerance, both in the sexual and interpersonal sphere. The effects of the cultural shock triggered by the rebellion of Actionism, which was also against baroque Catholicism and the sacrosanct family, can still be felt today. Next to the Actionists Hermann Nitsch, Otto Muehl, Gu¿nter Brus and Rudolf Schwarzkogler, today well known internationally, the women, with their efforts to change things in the revolutionary 1960s, remained to a large extent unknown. Through their artist partners, whom they supported also with physical actions, they became involved in the Actionism. Viennese collector and gallery owner Julius Hummel has compiled visual material that quite emphatically presents the involvement of the feminine and androgynous, which consciously or subconsciously is contained in the work of the Activists. In-depth essays offer an enthralling basis for the academic analysis of the subject matter.