Visual artist, stage designer, and director-Hans Op de Beeck (* 1969 in Turnhout) does not allow any sin gle genre to define his work. In walk-through installa tions he creates luminous sequences of videos, sculp tures, paintings, and drawings, in which multiple nar rative strands are woven into a complex story whose meaning emerges through the subjective reading of each viewer. The artist intentionally leaves his works open, allowing room for individual interpretations and memories to take effect. New, large-scale instal lations are being shown at the Sammlung Goetz to gether with other works in the collection by the art ist. The publication appears in conjunction with the exhibition as a comprehensive overview of the artist's oeuvre from the past several decades: including video installations dating from the 1990s, sculptures, works on paper, and even site-specific environments. Special focus is placed on his still lifes and interiors. Exhibition: Sammlung Goetz, Munchen 20.6.-15.11.2014
Text by: Hans Op de Beeck, Ingvild Goetz, Nicolas de Oliveira, Nicola Oxley