The Alpine 4000m Peaks by the Classic Routes by Richard Goedeke is the definitive and most popular guidebook to the highest mountains in the European Alps. The Alps provide the ideal arena for mountaineers of all abilities. Impressive snow-covered peaks, superb huts in fabulous locations, evocative approach valleys and ease of accessibility give all the ingredients for a great climbing location.
Crowning the Alps are the 4,000-metre peaks - impressive, wild and striking mountains that have long inspired mountaineers and climbers. The names are familiar, at once daunting and exciting - the Matterhorn, the Grandes Jorasses, Mont Blanc - a successful ascent rewards the alpinist with memories that last a lifetime.
The Alpine 4000m Peaks by the Classic Routes outlines the strategies and skills required to attempt the featured summits, providing key information to enable climbers to match their ambitions to their abilities. 91 peaks are described, all within the main ranges of the Alps. For the main routes of ascent, the guide gives full details of cable cars and mountain railways to ensure rapid access. Alternative routes and strategies are also suggested for those seeking a different or more independent approach. Each route is graded, with notes on difficulties, timings and mountain huts - everything needed for a successful and enjoyable ascent.
The 4,000-metre alpine adventure is both a historical and modern challenge, achievable for today's climber, but still requiring adept technical and physical attention. While some of the climbs included in this book are quite challenging, many of the ascents can be undertaken by any fit person with suitable guidance. Most ascents involve overnighting in a hut, pre-dawn starts and a summit gained early in the day when conditions and the majesty of the view are usually at their best.