21st century companies are constantly evaluating and re-evaluating the risk inherent to their businesses. Many firms have instituted risk management programs to plan for and better protect key investments and risk-related change management initiatives to execute change in the organization. This implementation, however, can be difficult due to its complexity and because many areas of the firm can be resistant to change. Modern Corporate Risk Management offers forward-thinking, practical solutions to the technical, organizational, cultural, and political problems related to corporate portfolio risk management, including how to realize the related changes needed in most corporations to become effective. Written in an easy-to-understand format by an expert who has worked in a broad spectrum of businesses and industries, this book explores using probabilistic techniques for budget/portfolio processes and estimating project value, implementing external verification and ""assembly line"" processes, promoting holistic thinking, and encouraging cross-silo interactions. This valuable reference is for anyone who has responsibility for managing enterprise or project management risk.