Curriculum Leadership: Strategies for Development and Implementation, Fourth Edition is a one-of-a-kind resource written for educational leaders--administrators and teachers--who want to successfully restructure and enhance school curriculum. Authors Allan A. Glatthorn, Floyd Boschee, Bruce M. Whitehead, and Bonni F. Boschee provide innovative and successful curriculum ideas, including reflective case studies, "Keys to Leadership" sections, curriculum tips, and "Challenge" sections with key issues and questions in every chapter. Also interspersed throughout the book are tried and true strategies that provide administrators with innovative ideas on meeting state and national standards.
This is a much needed, highly informative, and easy-to-read account of curriculum development and change for curriculum leaders, those teaching curriculum courses, and those aspiring to become curriculum decision makers. It provides the knowledge and skills needed to develop and implement a PK-12 school curriculum.
* New coverage of technology includes technological functionalism, the impact on professional development, and the link between technology and student achievement
* Additional coverage of globally connected classrooms provides emphasis on contemporary theory and global technology in K[en dash]12 education
* New topics on improving schools include how to close the achievement gap, the importance of student outcomes, individualized learning, and innovative developments within differentiated instruction
* Expanded coverage of curriculum processes shows educators how to enhance curriculum through examples such as the importance of reinventing schools from a technology enriched global perspective
* A comparison of education before standards-based education, during the standards movement, and under the Common Core State Standards
* Increased focus on the role of the teacher as curriculum leader demonstrates how aspiring curriculum leaders can become more effective
* An emphasis on the mind-set of new 21st century learners discusses elements for integrating technology at a whole new level
* Inclusion of the Gray Oral Reading Test provides reading teachers with a coaching lesson plan that includes responsibilities and benefits of valid and reliable skill level assessments
* The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) revisions are addressed as well as aspects of NCLB compliance and waivers.
* Up-to date resources and contemporary case studies help curriculum leaders implement ideas