Phospholipase A2 in Clinical Inflammation presents an up-to-date topical review of the biochemistry, molecular biology, and biology of mammalian phospholipase A2 (PLA2). The emphasis of this monograph is on the current aspects of PLA2 research using molecular approaches to investigate PLA2 structure and function, inhibitor design, and the regulation of sPLA2 and cPLA2 in cellular systems. The second section examines the major disease states where PLA2 has been implicated: rheumatoid diseases; acute pancreatitis; and psoriasis. These chapters, contributed by experts in the field, give the reader an overall sense of the clinical relevance of the molecular approaches to study PLA2 in relation to the disease entities that may be associated with altered PLA2 levels and activity. This comprehensive text not only provides the necessary historical review for beginning researchers but also addresses the more current molecular approaches as well as the major disease states for the seasoned researcher.