Vinyl / 12" Album
1. I Pray You Disappear
2. French Children Begin Smoking Legally On Their Mother's 30th Birthday
3. A Can of Hash (All Over the World Tonight)
4. Capon Sympathizers of the Vietnam War
5. Egg Whites Vs Mozzarella
6. Gas Enhancements
7. Frothy Frothy Frothy
8. Pure Eucalyptus Honey
9. Raoul Tinybear's 115th Dream
10. The Pie Is: CLOSED
11. Keep Your Heron
12. Gingham Past
13. Three Different Freeway to Get Home Is So Fancy
14. Brisbane Rising
15. Misfeed
16. Diamond Jim Brady
17. Thums Island
18. The Glue That Won't Come Off
19. Piss-moistened Gutter Mud
20. 1970's Grocery Store Logic
21. Lip Gloss Warehouse Engulfed in Flames
22. Nipping at the Potatoes of Tiberius
23. It's All Fun and Games Until Someone Shits Her Pants